It is possible to keep hourly records (worklogs) in Waybiller.
Both ongoing and completed hours are visible to the owner of the selected location and to the users in the "Manager" role of the driver's company.
Creating and editing a worklog
Worklogs can be created by the user in the role of Driver. Worklogs can be edited by the driver (as long as it has not been approved) or by a user with Manager role.
See articles:
Who can see worklogs
Worklogs are visible to the Driver and to the user with the Manager role. A user in the role of Manager can see the worklogs by selecting "Worklogs" from the top menu bar. All worklogs created by the company drivers or at the company's origins/destinations will appear.
If a driver has left a worklog unfinished or has an error in the hourly calculation, the worklog can be corrected by the Manager by clicking on the pencil icon in the worklogs view.
All worklogs can be downloaded in an Excel format (both the driver and user with Manager role are able to do that).
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