Adding a partner to a destination / creating a destination owned by other company.
When creating a destination, select the second option: "Create a destination that belongs to another company".
NOTE! All the destinations where your company is added as a partner (destinations
that belong to other companies) are displayed by owner company name in the second
half of the list of destinations below the Destinations menu tab.
Destinations that belong to your company are displayed first in the list of
Fill in fields:
- Name (required)
Type in the company name and select the company that owns the destination you are about to create.
- Partner
If another company should be able to see and use the destination (for example a transportation company), type in the company name and select the partner company to be added to the destination you are about to create. By default, your company is already added as a partner.
- Destination (required)
Type in the destination you´d like to create or become a partner of (use a capital letter). If a destination already exists, you can select the existing one and add yourself as a partner there. If the destination does not exist, meaning you did not have a selection of destinations or did not select a destination, you can create a new destination after entering the name of the destination and clicking the button "Create a destination".
Confirm with the “Create a destination” button.
If you chose an already existing destination, your company will immediately be added as a partner company to that destination. If you are creating a new destination, you have to first fill in the fields to create a destination and after that a new destination is created with your company added as a partner company. Either way the destination with the owner company name will be displayed in your list of destinations below the Destinations menu tab.
NOTE! A corresponding warning is displayed when creating a destination for another company.
Fill in fields:
- Name (required)
The name of the destination can be added in free form, but make sure to start with a capital letter. The name used will be saved to Waybiller, will be used for various operations and will also be displayed on the waybill.
- Public (selected by default) - If selected, the destination will be visible and accessible to all companies using Waybiller. A public destination helps to avoid duplicates.
- Deactivation date - By default, all destinations are active and visible to all users of the company and its partner companies upon creation. A validity period can be set for a destination, after which it will automatically become inactive. This feature is useful when managing temporary destinations.
- Address (required)
Enter the address or the exact coordinates of the destination. The red icon on the map can be moved to further pinpoint the location. Adding the exact location on the map will help to calculate kilometres and drivers can use the information for navigation.
NOTE: When entering coordinates, use comma format, e.g. "58.68512 , 24.50410" or "58.68512,24.50410".
- Assortments - Select the assortments that can be transported to this destination. NOTE! This is a restrictive field, if an assortment is added, only this specific assortment can be transported to the destination! If all assortments can be transported, leave it blank.
Assortments, their subsets and fractions are only added by Waybiller as this avoids creating duplicates.
If you can't find the needed assortment from the list, please let us know:, phone 606 8120
Related parties:
- Drivers - If there are specific drivers operating at a destination, they can be assigned here and the destination will only be visible to these drivers.
- Partners - It is advisable to specify, for example, a transportation company that will carry out the transport at the destination. If the destination is not public, only partners who are added here will see it. To select a partner, use the search option, as the selected company may already be a Waybiller user. If the company does not exist in Waybiller, you can add it.
- Supervisors - Supervisors added here can only view and add comments to waybills, but cannot edit the data. Suitable, for example, for a supervisory organisation.
- Companies with accepting rights - An employee of another company can be given the right to accept loads arriving at that destination (this feature is useful if you use e.g. storage or port services).
NOTE: If the destination is not public, it will only be visible to the owner of the destination and to the partners added to the destination.
Receiver data:
- Receiver name -Add the recipient's name, this information will be displayed on the waybill.
- Receiver phone - Add the recipient's phone number, this information will be displayed on the waybill.
Extra information:
Extra information - Add free-form information about the destination for the driver. The information added to the destination will be displayed under the Transport Orders menu item on the transport order associated with that destination (icon displayed
). Extra information will not be displayed on the waybill.
Extra information - Add free-form information about the destination for the driver. The information added to the destination will be displayed under the Transport Orders menu item on the transport order associated with that destination (icon displayed
- Additional fields
Under additional fields, it is possible to configure destination related restrictions (e.g. for drivers) and to set up sending waybills to email addresses and push notifications. Additional fields can be found at the bottom of the page, at the end of the Extra information section, by clicking on the "Show additional fields" button.
See the articles “Additional options for destination”, "Setting up email notifications" and "Push notifications".
Confirm the creation of the destination with the "Save" button.
Displaying and confirming
The destination created will be displayed with the owner company name in your list of destinations below the destinations menu tab.
NOTE: If you create a destination that belongs to another company, the company will receive a notification in Waybiller and the option to confirm the destination. Confirmation is not mandatory.
Once the destination is approved by the owner, the destination creator can no longer edit it (until then, the destination creator will see the "Edit" button).
Destinations can be edited/updated by using the "Edit" button behind the origin.
If the destination is no longer in use, clear the "Active" checkbox and the destination will no longer be visible for others in Waybiller (can still be found for you under the Destinations menu tab under the Inactive section).
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