A transport order is a work order for a specific vehicle and driver.
- The transport order must include the vehicle and the driver. This can be done by the creator of the transport order or by the transport company.
- The transport order can be seen by all parties of the transport order.
NOTE: If the order and the transport order are used together, the transport order must be created directly from the order. A transport order can also be used without an order.
Creating a transport order
Transport orders can be created:
- From under the Orders menu item (the order and the transport order are used together)
- Click on the "Create transport order" or "Bulk create transport orders" (for creating several transport orders) button next to the corresponding order under Orders menu item.
- Or open the Order and press the "Create transport order" button on the order.
- From under the Transport Orders menu item (used without an order)
- Click on "Create transport order" under Transport Orders menu item.
- Or open the Transport order and create/copy a new transport order from the transport order detailed view by clicking "Add Transport order" button.
- New - Approaching origin - Approaching destination - At destination
- Accepted - Cancelled
Transport order fields:
- Date (required)
The day on which the order is made or the day from which the standing transport order starts. The date of creation, which is modifiable, is automatically displayed.
- Time
Select the time of transport.
- Checkbox: Standing transport order
In the case of a standing transport order, the driver can use the same transport order several times, i.e. link several waybills to one transport order. The standing transport order must be accompanied by the date "Valid until".
An amount can be added to the standing transport order to help monitor the total volume and residue of the transport order. When the amount becomes full, the number becomes negative, but this does not limit the number of deliveries.
New waybills can be created indefinitely from the standing transport order until the "Valid until" date.
NOTE: The transport company and the receiver are able to move the transport orders forward from the "Manager" role. A standing transport order can be moved to the next status several times (necessary e.g. if the driver does not use Waybiller for some reason).
- Valid until
Date can be added if you choose a standing transport order.
NOTE: We will display the standing transport orders in the list of transport orders until their expiry date.
- Order
It is possible to connect the transport order with a specific order.
- Origin (required)
You can choose the origin:
- From the list of origins included in the order.
- From the list of dispatcher origins included in the order.
- Origin warehouse (required)
If a warehouse is assigned to the origin, it can be added to the transport order.
- Destination (required)
You can choose the destination:
- From the destinations included in the order.
- From among the dispatcher/client's destinations.
If you can't find a destination, you can create one by clicking on "Add new destination". In order to avoid duplicates, we recommend you to check the existence of the destination with the destination owner/Waybiller.
NOTE: The "Add new row" button allows you to add multiple destinations. This is useful when a load is picked up from one origin but distributed to several destinations for several receivers. It is possible to add destinations to transport order even if a waybill is already created from it. A separate waybill will be created for each destination. The field is usable unless it is a standing transport order.
- Assortment (required)
You can choose from the assortment attached to the origin. The assortment can be searched by any part of the assortment name, e.g. if the assortment has the additional information "Declaration of Conformity 12-34" attached to it, you can also search by the number 34.
- Amount
In the case of a standing transport order, the total amount of loads can be specified here. In the case of a single transport order, the amount of a single load can be specified here.
- Checkboxes:
- Public - if you make the transport order public, all Waybiller transport companies will see it and can add their vehicles to it.
- Local warehouse (used for accounting integration)
- DAP enabled (used for accounting integration)
- Transport company
If you assign a transport company to a transport order, only that transport company will see it.
- Vehicle
A vehicle must be added to the transport order. Vehicles can be added by both the creator of the transport order and the transport company. Vehicles can be searched from the entire list of vehicles in Waybiller. If a transport company is selected, only vehicles from this company will be displayed.
- Driver
A driver must be added to the transport order, otherwise it is not possible to create a waybill from the transport order. The driver can be added by the creator of the transport order as well as by the transport company.
- Extra information for drivers
Enter additional information about the transport order. The additional information can be seen by drivers and on the transport order (can be seen in the Transport Orders menu below the Transport Order number and is marked with an icon).
- Extra information to waybills
Enter additional details about this transport order, visible on waybills.
- Number of copies
Several transport orders can be created with the same data.
- Unit price
Enter the transport unit price.
- Transport cost payer
It is possible to calculate the transport costs, a transport coefficient can be added to each company and the company paying for the transport can be selected on the transport order.
- Number of pallets (informative field)
This information is not displayed on the waybill.
There are 2 options when saving the transport order:
- "Create and view" - opens the detailed view of the transport order.
- "Create and back" - opens the general transport orders view where you can create another transport order.
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