Waybills are visible in real time to all parties involved.
Waybills are seen by:
- The company operating at origin
- The transport company (drivers can see Transport orders and the waybills that they operate with)
- The company operating at the destination
If the transport company has subcontractors and the waybills are created by them, then the waybills are also visible to the subcontractor's company.
Waybills are divided into active and completed waybills.
Active waybills:
When logging into Waybiller, the default view of active waybills opens. You can later find this view by clicking on the Waybiller logo.
Active waybills are divided into 3 columns according to status: CREATED, IN PROGRESS and AT DESTINATION.
With CREATED status are waybills that have been created by the dispatcher at origin.
- This column contains waybills only if they are created by the dispatcher at origin. If the scales at origin are interfaced with Waybiller, the weighing data will come directly from the scales. If not, the weights are added to the waybill by the dispatcher.
Waybills with IN PROGRESS status are ones that have been started by the driver in Waybiller, the load is on and the truck is on its way to its destination.
- The driver can add the weight manually.
- We also add updates to the waybill, such as kilometres driven, comments added and timestamps (start of ride, weightings, end of ride, etc.).
- If the driver is using Waybiller software and GPS positioning is enabled, it is possible to view the route on a map. Tracking is possible when the waybill is IN PROGRESS and stops when AT DESTINATION.
Waybills that have successfully arrived at their destination (the driver marks the arrival in Waybiller) have an AT DESTINATION status. The waybill will remain in this status until it has been accepted by the receiver (see the instructions on “Confirming waybills”).
Completed waybills:
Completed waybills are on a separate tab on the front page and divided into two columns according to status: CANCELLED and CONFIRMED.
CANCELLED waybills must always show the reason for cancellation (is added at the time of cancellation). The reason for cancellation will be visible on the waybill to all parties involved in the waybill.
- Waybills can only be cancelled by the "Manager" role, "Driver" cannot cancel the waybill.
- A waybill can be cancelled from the detailed view of the waybill.
See the manual: "Cancelling waybills".
CONFIRMED waybills are confirmed at the place of destination either by the driver (if authorised at that destination) or by the employee at the place of destination. Waybills can also be confirmed by the receiver in their own system through an API interface.
- Confirmed waybill includes a timestamp and the details of the confirmer.
- If the waybill is confirmed by a signature, the signature will be visible in the waybill PDF format.
- Waybill information is stored on the Waybiller server.
See the manual: “Confirming waybills”.
NOTE: You can search for waybills by waybill number or by vehicle number
in the "Search" box in the waybill overview.
Statuses and icons
In the Reports tab waybills are marked with different coloured icons:
- Created - In progress - At destination - Confirmed - Cancelled
See the manual: "Icons".
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